Introduction to Family and Family Life Education:
- A family is a group of relatives living and dining under the same root who are related to each other by blood or marriage. Grandparents/ parents and children have their own position roles according to their age and status.
- Family life education is an awareness which educates people on the matters such as what people’s roles are at different stages of their life and how to fulfill them. It teaches people knowledge, roles, and obligation that the people have at different stages of their life and how to perform their roles properly.
Introduction to Quality of Life, its Need and Importance:
Human Necessities:

Introduction to Quality of Life:
It refers to a state of a high level of satisfaction and happiness due to easy fulfillment of all the necessities of life.
Need and Importance of Quality of Life:
- Fulfillment of Basic Needs
- Attainment of Quality Education
- Management of health service, Facilities, and sanitation
- Facilities of maternal and child welfare
- Opportunities of income Generating Activities and employment
- Women empowerment
- The feeling of co-existence
Elements of Quality of Life:
- Nutritious food
- Family size
- Health and health services
- Sanitation
- Education
- Income and employment opportunity
- Security
- Saving
- Housing
- Socio-cultural values
- Proper spiritual Development
Bases of Quality of Life:
1. Basic Needs: – Quality of life can be measured by determining whether people are able to easily fulfill their basic needs or not.
2. Physical quality of life Index:- It refers to the indicator which shows the level of health status and educational attainment of a country. It is measured with following factors:
- The mortality rate of children under 5 years of age.
- Life expectancy Rate of Birth
- Literacy
3. Human Development Index (HDI): HDI is a measurement that indicates the level of human development of a place country which is calculated using three dimensions of human life health status educational attainment and economic status of people.
- It is represented by a number,3 digits after the decimal, which is between a and.
- 10 countries of the world having highest human development
- HDI of SAARC countries
Determinants of Happy Life and Human Development Index:
1. Determinants of Happy Life:
- Small Family: Easier To Manage Income And Their Basic Needs.
- Quality Education
- Marriage At Appropriate Age.
- First Conception At Appropriate Age
- Birth Spacing
- Health and Sanitation
- Nutritious food.
- Gender equality
- Responsibility of parents and children
- Savings
2. Human Development Index: an indicator of human development calculated using dimensions of human life which are some of the responsible factors to bring happiness and quality life to people. It is introduced by UNDP in 1990 AD.