Detailed overview of NEB Grade 11 Chemistry syllabus of the new curriculum. Check out our Grade 11 chemistry notes of the new syllabus here.
General and Physical Chemistry: 48 teaching hours.
Unit -1. Foundation and Fundamentals: 2 teaching hours
General introduction of chemistry, Importance and scope of chemistry, Basic concepts of chemistry (atoms, molecules, relative masses of atoms and molecules, atomic mass unit ( amu), radicals, molecular formula, empirical formula ), Percentage composition from a molecular formula.
Unit -2. Stoichiometry: 8 teaching hours
Dalton’s atomic theory and its postulates, Laws of stoichiometry, Avogadro’s law and some deductions ( Molecular mass and vapour density, Molecular mass and volume of gas, Molecular mass and no. of particles), Mole and its relation with mass, volume and number of particles; Calculations based on mole concept; Limiting reactant and excess reactant; Theoretical yield, experimental yield and % yield; Calculation of empirical and molecular formula from % composition (Solving related numerical problems)
Unit -3. Atomic Structure: 8 teaching hours
Rutherford’s atomic model; Limitations of Rutherford’s atomic model; Postulates of Bohr’s atomic model and its application; Spectrum of hydrogen atom; Defects of Bohr’s theory; Elementary idea of quantum mechanical model: de Broglie’s wave equation; Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle; Concept of probability; Quantum Numbers; Orbitals and shape of s and p orbitals only; Aufbau Principle; Pauli’s exclusion principle; Hund’s rule and electronic configurations of atoms and ions (up to atomic no. 30).
Unit-4. Classification of elements and Periodic Table: 5 teaching hours
Modern periodic law and the modern periodic table; Classification of elements into different groups, periods and blocks; IUPAC classification of elements; Nuclear charge and effective nuclear charge; Periodic trend and periodicity: Atomic radii, Ionic radii, Ionization energy, Electron affinity, Electronegativity, Metallic characters (General trend and explanation only).
Unit-5. Chemical Bonding and Shapes of Molecules: 9 teaching hours
Valence shell, valence electron and octet theory; Ionic bond and its properties; Covalent bond and coordinate covalent bond; Properties of covalent compounds; Lewis dot structure of some common compounds of s and p block elements; Resonance; VSEPR theory and shapes of some simple molecules (BeF2, BF3, CH4, CH3Cl, PCl5, SF6, H2O, NH3, CO2, H2S, PH3); Elementary idea of Valence Bond Theory; Hybridization involving s and p orbitals only; Bond characteristics: Bond length, Ionic character, Dipole moment; Vander Waal’s force and molecular solids; Hydrogen bonding and its application; Metallic bonding and properties of metallic solids.
Unit-6. Oxidation and Reduction: 5 teaching hours
General and electronic concept of oxidation and reduction; Oxidation number and rules for assigning oxidation number; Balancing redox reactions by oxidation number and ion-electron (half-reaction) method; Electrolysis: Qualitative aspect and Quantitative aspect(Faraday’s laws of electrolysis).
Unit-7. States of Matter: 8 teaching hours
7.1 Gaseous state: Kinetic theory of gas and its postulates; Gas laws -Boyle’s law and Charles’ law, Avogadro’s law; Combined gas equation; Dalton’s law of partial pressure; Graham’s law of diffusion; Ideal gas and ideal gas equation; Universal gas constant and its significance; Deviation of real gas from ideality (Solving related numerical problems based on gas laws).
7.2 Liquid state: Physical properties of liquids- Evaporation and condensation, Vapour pressure and boiling point, Surface tension and viscosity (qualitative idea only); Liquid crystals and their applications
7.3 Solid-state: Types of solids -Amorphous and crystalline solids, Efflorescent, Deliquescent and Hygroscopic solids; Crystallization and crystal growth; Water of crystallization; Introduction to unit crystal lattice and unit cell.
Unit-8. Chemical equilibrium: 3 teaching hours
Physical and chemical equilibrium; Dynamic nature of chemical equilibrium; Law of mass action; Expression for equilibrium constant and its importance; Relationship between Kp and Kc; Le Chatelier’s Principle (Numericals not required)
Inorganic Chemistry: 35 teaching hours
Unit-9. Chemistry of Non-metal :
9.1. Hydrogen, Oxygen and ozone: 4 teaching hours
9.1.1 Hydrogen: Chemistry of atomic and nascent hydrogen; Isotopes of hydrogen and their uses; Application of hydrogen as fuel; Heavy water and its applications
9.1.2 Oxygen: Allotropes of Oxygen – Definition of allotropy and examples; Types of oxides (acidic, basic, neutral, amphoteric, peroxide and mixed oxides); Applications of hydrogen peroxide; Medical and industrial application of oxygen
9.1.3 Ozone: Occurrence; Preparation of ozone from oxygen; Structure of ozone; Test for ozone; Ozone layer depletion (causes, effects and control measures); Uses of ozone.
9.2 Nitrogen: 5 teaching hours
Reason for inertness of nitrogen and active nitrogen; Chemical properties of ammonia [ Action with CuSO4 solution, water, FeCl3 solution, Conc. HCl, Mercurous nitrate paper, O2]; Applications of ammonia; Harmful effects of ammonia; Oxy-acids of nitrogen (name and formula); Chemical properties of nitric acid [HNO3 as an acid and oxidizing agent (action with zinc, magnesium, iron, copper, sulphur, carbon, SO2 and H2S); Ring test for nitrate ion.
9.3 Halogens: 5 teaching hours
General characteristics of halogens; Comparative study on preparation (no diagram and description is required); Chemical properties [with water, alkali, ammonia, oxidizing character, bleaching action] and uses of halogens (Cl2, Br2 and I2); Test for Cl2, Br2 and I2; Comparative study on preparation (no diagram and description is required), properties ( reducing strength, acidic nature and solubility) and uses of haloacids (HCl, HBr and HI)
9.4 Carbon and Phosphorus : 3 teaching hours
9.4.1 Carbon: Allotropes of carbon (crystalline and amorphous) including fullerenes (structure, general properties and uses only); Properties (reducing action, reaction with metals and nonmetals) and uses of carbon monoxide.
9.4.2 Phosphorus: Allotropes of phosphorus (name only); Preparation (no diagram and description are required), properties ( basic nature, reducing nature, action with halogens and oxygen) and uses of phosphine.
9.5 Sulphur: 5 teaching hours:
Allotropes of sulphur (name only) and uses of sulphur; Hydrogen sulphide (preparation from Kipp’s apparatus with diagram,) properties (Acidic nature, reducing nature, analytical reagent) and uses; Sulphur dioxide its properties (acidic nature, reducing nature, oxidising nature and bleaching action) and uses; Sulphuric acid and its properties (acidic nature, oxidising nature, dehydrating nature) and uses; Sodium thiosulphate (formula and uses).
Unit-10. Chemistry of Metals
10.1 Metals and Metallurgical Principles: 5 teaching hours
Definition of metallurgy and its types (hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy, electrometallurgy); Introduction of ores; Gangue or matrix, flux and slag, alloy and amalgam; General principles of extraction of metals (different processes involved in metallurgy) – concentration, calcination and roasting, smelting, carbon reduction, thermite and electrochemical reduction; Refining of metals (poling and electro-refinement).
10.2 Alkali and Alkaline earth metals: 5 teaching hours
10.2.1 Alkali Metals:
General characteristics of alkali metals; Sodium [extraction from Down’s process, properties (action with Oxygen, water, acids nonmetals and ammonia) and uses]; Properties (precipitation reaction and action with carbon monoxide) and uses of sodium hydroxide; Properties (action with CO2, SO2, water, precipitation reactions) and uses of sodium carbonate.
10.2.2 Alkaline Earth Metals:
General characteristics of alkaline earth metals; Molecular formula and uses of (quick lime, bleaching powder, magnesia, plaster of Paris and Epsom salt); Solubility of hydroxides, carbonates and sulphates of alkaline earth metals (a general trend with explanation); Stability of carbonate and nitrate of alkaline earth metals (a general trend with explanation).
Unit- 11. Bio-inorganic Chemistry : 3 teaching hours
Introduction to Bioinorganic Chemistry; Introduction of Micro and macronutrients; Importance of metal ions in biological systems (ions of Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni, Co, Cr); Ion pumps (sodium-potassium and sodium-glucose pump) 11.5 Metal toxicity (toxicity due to iron, arsenic, mercury, lead and cadmium).
Organic Chemistry : 30 teaching hours
Unit- 12. Basic Concept of Organic Chemistry: 6 teaching hours
Introduction to organic chemistry and organic compounds; Reasons for the separate study of organic compounds from inorganic compounds; Tetra-covalency and catenation properties of carbon ; Classification of organic compounds; Alkyl groups, functional groups and homologous series ; Idea of structural formula, contracted formula and bond line structural formula; Preliminary idea of cracking and reforming, quality of gasoline, octane number, cetane number and gasoline additive.
Unit 13. Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry: 10 teaching hours
IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Compounds (up to chain having 6 carbon atoms); Qualitative analysis of organic compounds (detection of N, S and halogens by Lassaigne’s test); Isomerism in Organic Compounds; Definition and classification of isomerism; Structural isomerism and its types: chain isomerism, position isomerism, functional isomerism, metamerism and tautomerism; Concept of geometrical isomerism (cis & trans) & optical isomerism (d & l form)
Preliminary Idea of Reaction Mechanism: Homolytic and heterolytic fission; Electrophiles, nucleophiles and free- radicals; Inductive effect: +I and –I effect; Resonance effect: +R and –R effect.
Unit 14. Hydrocarbons: 8 teaching hours
14.1 Saturated Hydrocarbons (Alkanes): Preparation from haloalkanes (Reduction and Wurtz reaction), Decarboxylation, Catalytic hydrogenation of alkene and alkyne; Chemical properties: Substitution reactions (halogenation, nitration & sulphonation only), oxidation of ethane; Unsaturated hydrocarbons (Alkenes & Alkynes) .
14.2 Alkenes: Preparation by Dehydration of alcohol, Dehydrohalogenation, Catalytic hydrogenation of alkyne; Chemical properties: Addition reaction with HX (Markovnikov’s addition and peroxide effect), H2O, O3, H2SO4 only
14.3 Alkynes: Preparation from carbon and hydrogen, 1,2 dibromoethane, chloroform/iodoform only; Chemical properties: Addition reaction with (H2, HX, H2O), Acidic nature (action with Sodium, ammoniacal AgNO3 and ammoniacal Cu2Cl2); Test of unsaturation (ethene & ethyne): bromine water test and Baeyer’s test ;
14.4 Comparative studies of physical properties of alkane, alkene and alkyne; Kolbe’s electrolysis methods for the preparation of alkane, alkene and alkynes
Unit 15. Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 6 teaching hours
Introduction and characteristics of aromatic compounds: Huckel’s rule of aromaticity: Kekule structure of benzene: Resonance and isomerism: Preparation of benzene from decarboxylation of sodium benzoate, phenol, and ethyne only; Physical properties of benzene; Chemical properties of benzene: Addition reaction: hydrogen, halogen, Electrophilic substitution reactions: orientation of benzene derivatives (o, m & p), nitration, sulphonation, halogenations, Friedel-Craft’s reaction (alkylation and acylation), combustion of benzene ( free combustion only) and uses.
Applied Chemistry : 15 teaching hours
Unit: 16 Fundamentals of Applied Chemistry: 4 teaching hours
Fundamentals of Applied Chemistry; Chemical industry and its importance; Stages in producing a new product; Economics of production; Cash flow in the production cycle; Running a chemical plant; Designing a chemical plant; Continuous and batch processing; Environmental impact of the chemical industry.
Unit: 17 Modern Chemical Manufactures: 11 teaching hours
Modern Chemical Manufactures (principle and flow sheet diagram only); Manufacture of ammonia by Haber’s process; Manufacture of nitric acid by Ostwald’s process; Manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact process; Manufacture of sodium hydroxide by Diaphragm Cell; Manufacture of sodium carbonate by ammonia soda or Solvay process; Fertilizers (Chemical fertilizers, types of chemical fertilizers, production of urea with flow-sheet diagram).